Day & Night - Various Bits

I'm so glad this cartoon is finally out in the wild! I hope that you've already had a chance to see Day & Night with Toy Story 3. If not, you can now download it from iTunes for a measly $2! So you can watch it over and over and over and over. (But you should still get out to see TS3 too, it's pretty damn good!) "Day & Night" on iTunes This image of Las Vegas was the first thing I did on Day & Night. Originally there was a shot that showed Vegas from a distance. A bleak Day version. Later the story changed and Vegas needed to be more fun so I did another loose sketch Some random sketches from the Vegas sequence. We built this sign for The Club Club but ultimately we had to remove the text because apparently there's some club that has a similar name. Some early Sketchup models exploring the Vegas set. The ultimate set is quite a bit different. The following is a design I did in Sketchup for a Vegas motel called "Inn the Red...