Adobe Eazel

I was fortunate to be in the prerelease testing of the new Adobe iPad apps and they are very cool. I had a lot of fun doing these paintings using Adobe Eazel. The paint engine is this sort of water-colory medium that bleeds and dries and the interface is unique using a five-finger touch. There's also a button to send the image from Eazel directly to Photoshop so you don't have to email yourself a jpeg or something. A new file appears and your painting is on a layer. Pretty nice! There's also two other apps that connect with Photoshop that are pretty exciting. I recommend checking these out when they become available. From Adobe's website... Adobe Color Lava, Adobe Eazel and Adobe Nav applications for Photoshop are also expected to be available in early May 2011, ranging in price from US$1.99-$4.99, on the iTunes App Store. One of my images made it into a promotional video for Eazel . And here's a little bit more about Eazel, Nav, and Color Lava .