San Diego Comic-Con 2007

There's only about 60 copies of The Ancient Book of Myth and War left and I expect we'll sell out of them at this year's San Diego Comic-Con.

I'll be at the San Diego Comic-Con this year for Wednesday Preview Night and all day Thursday.
I'll be at Scott Morse's booth #4800 and I'll be selling these Limited Run Print/Postcard sets at the show. Each set includes 8 prints from The Ancient Book of Myth and War (one copy of each of the 8 images - 2 images from each artist) and there are 3 new images that weren't in the book!
the prints are 8.5" x 6" and suitable for framing and will be $15 per set.

There are only 200 sets left (out of 250). After Thursday I won't be at the con but Scott will still be selling the print sets at his booth through Sunday. Whatever doesn't sell at the con I'll put up on my blog to sell.

click for larger.
All 8 Cards in the Set

All 8 Cards in the Set

Cards in the Pack



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