My little collection of Christmas finishes

Hello there, happy stitchers! Are you busy or should I even ask? I have been busy baking cookies this past week and giving a lot away to happy munchers! I like doing it for precisely seeing the happy smiles, the gleam in their eyes, when they receive the home baked cookies.  I left some at a friend's doorsteps and she told me when she got home she ate three before she even hung up her coat! That just makes my day!

So, no fresh stitching to show this week but I thought I would collect what I have to show you. I stitched and finished more Christmas designs in the last year than I've ever done, which actually reminds me ... I have some I should dig up. They were meant to be framed but maybe I could temporarily fudge them to just hang on the wall, a la Marly!I love her displays!

Here we go:
My husband put up a couple of these IKEA picture rails above a work table recently and I so love them for I can quickly change the display. 

Here's my "bowl" for this year.
The little tree  highlights recent pieces from stitching friends Andrea and Paula (Kelmscott Designs).
Then of course, here is my quiet little helper. Daisy was "talking" to me this morning while I was staging and taking photos.  I love that pose!
Thanks for coming by and thanks for leaving me comments to read and smile at!  Have a great week, however crazy and busy it gets!


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