Prairie Schooler Santa SAL progress

Hiya.  So we are a couple of Sundays into our PS Santa SAL.  I had a slow start last Sunday.
Today, I made a lot more progress! 
I realized today I made a boo-boo with the DMC colour for the reindeer/trees part of the santa. I used Ecru instead of 738! Ecru was supposed to be used for the hair and beard! Oh well. I wasn't going to frog so I just used white on the hair and beard. It will have to do!

I am really enjoying stitching Prairie Schooler again!

Here's a peek at my Valentine shelf. 
That's me for another short&sweet post!  Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are all doing well and if you are caught in the deep winter freeze, I hope you are able to keep warm and stitch!

Enjoy your week!


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